Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What's the point?

So I am doing this blogging because I felt compelled to share with my family and friends. But what's the point if no one is reading??


Jana Sorensen said...

Hey...I read all the time! I guess I should comment huh? But don't get down jen...I love knowing what you are up! I really do! And I think about you all the time...don't be shocked! I love you BABE! Also, please tell your mom not to hate me, but I have all her stuff in a box...I dont' know why I am so famous for doing that with people. SO, all in all, I have a bad rep for stealing things...but in my defense I moved really fast and have been busy on basketball road trip since I have been home...soI am settling in and think about it everyday how I need to get that stuff to her...Tell her Sorry and That I lvoe her and that I hope tha tI am still her favorite niece! Love you Jen!

tomandbritneyfamilyfun said...

Hey Jen,
I read this all the time too. What are you up to these days? Where are you living? Keep it up, its fun knowing what you're up to! Love, Britney

Julie said...

Hi Jen! We sure miss seeing you guys on a regular basis so I love to check your blog! Walker is growing up too darn fast. Drop me a line if you'd like an invite to my blog. Have a great day! juliehinck@frontiernet.net

JillEE said...

FYI - 28 people are subscribed to your blog through Google Reader

You're practically a rock star!

Jenna Johnson said...

Hey Jen I for sure read yours when I have to time!!! Keep posting! I'm just not good at leaving comments I'll do better!

Kacie said...

I read it also! So keep posting! And I do leave comments when I check it!

JErb said...

eh- the blog is more for you than anyone else. it's a public journal; a record of life. if someone else benefits from it - great. otherwise, just keep writing what comes to mind and you never know, you might just surprise yourself =)

that's my deep thought for the day.